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WPCA Agenda 05/13/2014
     Town of Old Lyme Water Pollution Control Authority
             Old Lyme Town Hall Main Floor Meeting Room
                               Tuesday May 13, 2014 - 7:30 PM

1.      Call to Order
        Appointment of Alternates as required

2.      Approval of the Minutes – April 8, 2014

3.      Chairman’s Report – Update  & Challenges Ahead

Address by First Selectwomen Bonnie Reemsnyder

4.      Post Project Report  DEEP – Dave Prickett

                Review of Proposed WWM Approach for Old Lyme –
                Alrtnative Approaches and Process  ---Vote - Required
                Further Action For Consideration

5.      New Business

                Shoreline Sanitation Update - - Address Gary Yuknat

6.      Old Business
                Attorney review and advice regarding our ordinance and By Laws
        Notification Process for Pump Outs / Penalties / review etc - Update

7.      Correspondence -- Letter From Steve Dix

8.      Public Comment
